The Exciting Journey of The Dog Society
The story behind In Your Dog House Gifts, which brings together a collection of Great British designers of dog themed products, is to launch and fund our ‘Need someone to talk to campaign’. The aim of the campaign is to find ways in which more people can enjoy the company of dogs in order to promote well-being and combat loneliness.
We are collaborating with students from University of Bristol to set up a Dog Society which aims to enable students to spend time with dogs. Madalina, the Vice-President of Dog Soc told us more about the process of setting it up:
What was the first thing you had to do to set up Dog Soc?
“We gathered 30 signatures from students and completed an application form with details about our motivation, plans and ideas to make the Dog Society sustainable in time. We were taken aback by the huge interest from students who signed up to join the society in just a few hours. Then, our application has been considered by the Student Union’s Staff and at the beginning of May we have officially become the “Dog Soc”.
How will you find dogs for students to walk?
We are contacting charities which may help us with getting dogs involved. So far, we have got in touch with MIND, Cinnamon Trust and University Cribs. In Your Dog House Gifts has helped us get the community of dog owners in Bristol on board by initiating a conversation around the importance of dogs in treating mental health issues.
Many Bristol people are happy to offer their dogs to be walked by students and we are hoping that more dog owners will join our campaign. So, if you live in or around Bristol and you’d be happy for us to “borrow” your dog for a free walk, don’t hesitate to contact us.
What other activities will Dog Soc be involved in?
We have many projects in mind for the next academic year and we know how much students love dogs, so we hope that this society will provide them with the opportunity to spend time with dogs and with other students who share the same passion.” concluded Madalina about the role of Dog Soc.
In Your Dog House Gifts is supporting universities around the UK in setting up Dog Societies and promoting well-being through the companionship of dogs. Be part of our campaign by helping us raise awareness of our on-going projects and by supporting our shop which is funding this initiative.
Written by Elaine Brown and Madalina Andreea Marinescu
In Your Dog House Gifts is a brand new online store. It brings together Great British designers of dog themed products who have created high quality stylish and contemporary homeware, gifts and accessories for compassionate dog lovers.
We aim to create a dog loving community that will support our campaign to enable more people to enjoy the company of dogs. To find out more please visit our website.