Rupert Recommends - Our Brilliant Bundles of Beautiful Breeds

Now I know I myself am a Westie dog… but this doesn’t mean I do not appreciate every other hound out there – all dogs, of all shapes and all sizes are loved. Us here at In Your Dog House Gifts are crazy about all of those shapes and sizes and that is why the store will stock as many breeds as possible across our range of products – so that means there can be something for everyone! The best part is the website is you can shop our products by breed so you can skip to products that only features your favourite pup… so much easier when you are looking for that perfect personal gift.


Lovely Labradors:
Voted the United Kingdom’s favourite pooch we have a huge range of Labrador/ Retriever goods!

Labrador Collection image



Delightful Dachshunds:

Loveable and long who could forget the Sausage Dog!

Dachshund Collection



Podgy Pugs:

You are a pug lover? Their little snores and snuffles melt your heart – these adorable designs will tug at those heart strings.

Pug Collection




Fabulous Frenchies:

Frenchie Bulldogs always hold themselves with style, these contemporary products reflect that style!

French Bulldog Collection


Now have no fear, this is just a quick blog we have many many more breeds… Scottish Terriers, Jack Russels, Poodles, Spaniels, the list is endless, all perfect to decorate the home, or perhaps the new Uni room, or stock up on the perfect Christmas gifts.

Go comment on our post with your favourite breed and the products you most desire to make sure the Autumn launch has what you want!


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Written by Zoe Harris

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